Life was very busy at the Lee house.
Maia had finally hit the big time with her career, and was able to perform whenever and wherever she wished, so she didn’t need to give performances as often to keep up with the costs of living.
This gave Maia more time to find more potential fathers for her future children.
One particular man she met after a gig seemed promising. His name was Seth Monroe, and as someone who wasn’t fond of commitments, he seemed like a good choice to be the father of her next child.
It was also time for David’s birthday.
Shortly after David’s birthday party, Maia found herself in a familiar position.
Thankfully, the nausea never seemed to last long, and Maia was soon glowing and happy in her latest pregnancy.
With David in school now, there were no young children for Maia to care for at the moment, so she pampered herself, and worked on improving her skills while she had the time.
When it was time to have the baby, Seth showed up at the hospital.
Maia named her newest daughter Erin.
While the other kids were in school, Maia spent the days teaching Erin her toddler skills,
and she also planned a huge surprise party for Romeo, Juliet, Lucky and Snuggles. It was an epic party.
Now Maia had four teenagers in the house!
Romeo was still quite the loner, but she managed to finally talk him into joining the after school music club, since he’d already converted some of the attic space into a music room.
Juliet, on the other hand, wanted to join everything, but finally settled on art and drama. She spent a great deal of her spare time painting.
Lucky joined the shop and sports clubs, and was hoping to become a professional athlete.
Snuggles wanted to join the debate and newspaper clubs, but there was a conflict with Wednesdays, so she choose to join debate and the study club instead. She was very intelligent, and her favorite activity was playing chess.
Maia was glad to have cancelled her steady gigs and be able to work only when she wanted. It was hard making sure everyone ate properly, did their homework, and got enough sleep, but now she also needed to make time to teach all four of them to drive!
Although u-turns were a bit awkward at first, they all did pretty well.
And luckily, the deer seemed to prefer the sidewalk.
Still, Maia was glad she learned how to mediate. It helped to ease the stress.
At least the days weren’t so hectic, and she could spend that time reading and playing with Erin.
And she read David to sleep every night. He claimed his pet frog, Jerrod, liked the stories, too.
David had his scout’s badging ceremony, and had become quite the talented angler. Her little boy was growing up fast.
But her teens were growing quickly as well. When prom time came around, they all decided to go together; Romeo with Snuggles, and Juliet with Lucky.
Lucky was voted Prom King.
Everyone else had an awesome time, too. Even a few deer showed up.
But there were some interesting developments in the weeks afterward...
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